Female taking an online course

A Quick Guide to Enrolling to an Online Senior High School

The Department of Education has anticipated a little over 3 million students to enroll in senior high school. With different preferences and resources available, more and more young learners are looking into online learning instead of the traditional methods. Online schooling can be more cost-efficient and convenient because students aren’t required to buy books and uniforms and think about distance and travel time plus expenses. They also have more flexibility with their time as long as they accomplish their requirements.

With all those perks, it’s easy to see why more and more are shifting towards this system of education. You may be wondering how to enroll online for senior high yourself, so these are some steps for you to follow:

Search the web

To find offers, you simply have to type it into the search bar of any search engine you prefer and make sure you’re looking through local listings or websites. While it’s possible to look through foreign ones, you could have trouble getting accreditation for your units.

Each institution has its own courses and resources, so it’s also about finding an online school with the track you want to pursue. They are all credited by DepEd, so you need not worry about that. When you’ve found the online school of your choice, simply search for a registration or admissions form and fill it in. From there, seek out any admission requirements and collect them within the allotted time frame.

There is no enrollment period, unlike in regular physical institutions, so the clock only starts ticking once you have begun the process. Sending your requirements is quite simple since you will do everything by email at this point.

Register in the system

Submission of a complete registration form and required documents is necessary for your enrollment to push through. The specifics for this vary, but the first wall to pass through is registration.

Once that is accomplished, the process for both transferees and those who are entering SHS are mostly similar. An aspiring student would need to send over digital copies of their Form 138 (or latest report card from their respective grade level), their NSO birth certificate, and Form 137 or Transcript of Records. That’s it for transferring students, but those who are just entering Senior High, they would also need a Certificate of Completion and a Certificate of Good Moral.

Some institutions require an online interview to cap things off in your system, but this information would likely be ready for you once you’ve started communications with the school.

Send payment

Closeup of blue e-learning button on the keyboard

This step may seem like it is pretty self-explanatory, but that is simply the final step into enrolling. Once you’ve paid your tuition dues, you can start as soon as you want and get down to business.

Payments can be made annually or with other payment terms, and it’s easily accomplished via bank transfer, deposit, credit card, or various payment portals like Paypal or Dragonpay. The benefit to online schools is their tuition fees also tend to be much cheaper and don’t have a ton of miscellaneous charges.

The process doesn’t have to be confusing for your new online schooling journey. Just like that, you can be part of a network of over 6 million students across the globe who take on distance learning.

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