A child gardening with her mother

Places Your Child Can Learn Outside of the Classroom

Education isn’t just what happens in the classroom. There are many places your child can learn from and explore their talents outside of school. Whether churches or gardens, these places can allow your child to learn valuable lessons that can help them grow academically, emotionally, and socially.


Most churches have Sunday school classes and bible study groups specifically designed for kids and young adults. These classes teach children about religious topics in an age-appropriate manner and are usually led by experienced teachers with a deep knowledge of their faith. They also often include activities such as arts and crafts, which help children stay engaged while they learn. Furthermore, these classes allow children to connect with kids their own age who share similar beliefs and values, which helps them develop important social skills.

Youth groups are another great way for your child to learn outside of the classroom at church. Often, these send kids on field trips, service projects, mission trips, retreats, and more—all of which help develop important life skills such as leadership and teamwork. Youth groups also allow teens to build relationships with like-minded peers in a safe, supportive environment. This is especially beneficial for those who may not feel comfortable or accepted in other social settings.

Finally, churches often offer volunteer opportunities for children who want to give back to their community or gain valuable life experience. Volunteering is a great way for kids to learn compassion, responsibility, and accountability—all traits that will serve them well as they grow into adulthood. Examples of volunteer opportunities include helping at soup kitchens or homeless shelters; organizing drives for clothes or food; participating in environmental cleanups; tutoring younger students; and much more.


One of the most immediate advantages of sending your child abroad is the cultural immersion they will experience while away. This could mean anything from attending school in another country to even just traveling. All these experiences would allow them to learn about different cultures, customs, and traditions in ways that would be impossible if they stayed at home. In addition, having the chance to practice conversational language skills in a native setting can be incredibly beneficial.

Another key benefit of learning abroad is that it provides an excellent opportunity for your child to be exposed to new environments and situations. Through this, children can learn how to navigate different societies and cultures with ease—ultimately preparing them for life after graduation in ways that staying at home simply cannot provide. Plus, they will have a chance to interact with people from a variety of backgrounds and become more open-minded as a result. This is also invaluable when it comes time for college applications or job interviews.

Finally, it’s important for kids to travel as it can provide them with incredible personal growth and emotional development opportunities. Being away from home forces children out of their comfort zone—granting them an opportunity to find strength within themselves that they may not have realized there before. As a result, they may come back home feeling more confident than ever; something that could be incredibly beneficial academically and professionally down the line. Plus, with all the incredible memories they’ll make while overseas, you can rest assured that your child won’t soon forget their time abroad.

A child on a plane with his mother

In the garden

When children garden, they learn responsibility and self-reliance. After all, growing plants require constant attention. Your child must water, weed, and feed their plants regularly if they want to reap a successful harvest. The more involved your child is in the gardening process, the more likely they will develop these skills and gain faith in their abilities.

Furthermore, this encourages creativity and imagination in children. They can experiment with different plant varieties, colors, and textures which helps to get their creative juices flowing. Gardening also fosters curiosity as your child learns about how plants grow and why certain things work better than others when caring for plants. Through trial and error, your child will gain a deeper understanding of their environment which can help them grow into successful adults with the ability to think outside the box.

In addition, gardening promotes health and wellness for children. Spending time outdoors has numerous physical and mental health benefits, including increased physical activity levels, reduced stress levels, improved moods, and more Vitamin D. Finally, not only does gardening give your child an opportunity to experience nature first-hand, but it also allows them to take ownership over something, which will boost their self-esteem as well as teach them some life skills!

Whether your child loves science, culture, or anything else in between, there are plenty of opportunities available outside of the classroom that can help cultivate those interests while teaching essential life lessons at the same time. Exploring what’s out there will open up a whole world of possibilities for your child, so they can reach their fullest potential.

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