
students answering exam

4 Ways To Help Your Child Ace Math Tests

Let’s admit it: one of the most challenging things that we can learn as students is math. That’s why as a parent, it’s up to us to help our child excel in this subject and help them get the best grades as possible. But how can we do that, especially when it comes to GCSE?

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playing piano

Improve Your Quality of Life with a New Hobby

Hobbies are fun activities that people take on simply because they give them pleasure. Science has shown that the right hobby can even reduce cognitive decline as we get older. Young adults may not naturally think about how to be prepared to combat cognitive decline. But if you already have the right hobbies, you will reap

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Female taking an online course

4 Ways to Continue Your Education After College

A lot of people believe that they learn everything there is to know in college. Most of them will try to seek jobs in their respective fields, but you might think that you can still learn more before getting on your career path. Fortunately, education does not stop in college. If you want to have

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students on a library

Which Is the Better Option: IB or AP?

As your teen approaches the time when they can attend university, you might consider enrolling them in programs that can supplement their learning with college-level courses. They can choose from International Baccalaureate or Advanced Placement, which can provide greater leverage for acceptance in a prestigious university and earn them credits for some courses. While they

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colorful clean classroom

Top 6 Classroom Organization Tips and Ideas

As a teacher or school personnel, you need to see organising as a necessity. Organised classrooms pave the way for mental clarity for both teachers and students, as they leave little to no visual stimulation and distraction. Classroom organisation also helps the class finish activities faster, as everyone can find and keep materials more quickly.

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little boy behind the curtain

Overcoming Stage Fright

Do you know that there is an ongoing debate of whether an artistic talent is by nature or by nurture? Some believe it’s the former, while some believe that talent is enhanced by years of practice. Nonetheless, a skill should be improved to its full potential. For example, you can ask your kids if they

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How To Save a Life: Emergency Preparedness

Because so many things happen unexpectedly in this life, emergency preparedness is necessary for every individual. It can save lives and prevents a lot of challenges that can potentially occur in any given situation. Emergency preparedness is a plan that families, companies, and establishments have to respond accordingly and effectively during natural calamities and man-made

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asian student

Asia: Home to the Best Post Graduate Universities

If you’re planning to acquire a master’s degree, you have to think it through. Plunging into stepping up your educational attainment is a life-long commitment, but it will surely benefit you later on in life. With that, why not cross the seas by earning it abroad? Even if Europe and America are not on your

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New York Skyline

Un-romanticizing New York: Where Dreams Do Come True

We’ve seen so many films and TV series where people have fallen in love and succeeded in their careers with the Manhattan skyline as a witness. Many have claimed that they found their once lost self in New York despite the throngs of people, the confusing subway lines. Stories about it are very much alive

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DUI Law title on a book and gavel

How Arizona DUI Laws Compares to Other States

Arizona is often touted as the state with the harshest DUI penalties. Arizona takes DUIs seriously, but its hold at the top spot is being challenged as some states impose stricter and harsher DUI penalties. Jail Time DUI in Arizona won’t just cost you a few days attending traffic school and watching victim impact videos

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